Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Hydrafacial rolls out digitally connected Syndeo device across Europe and Asia

Hydrafacial has announced the international launch of its next generation, digitally connected device Syndeo.

Hydrafacial is known for cleansing, extracting and hydrating the skin using patented hydradermabrasion and vortex technology alongside unique serums – including boosters by Murad, Hydropepdie, Omorvicza and JLO Beauty. But the sleek, new system has a digital focus.

Through a connected interface, therapists can log each treatment, personalise it to a client’s skin needs and preferences and access protocol guidance on screen – all through touchless gesture control features for less hand-to-surface contact to make the environment more hygienic.

In addition, cloud-based software has the capability to store real-time knowledge of client preferences, treatment history and skin concerns across locations and providers. The aim is to provide clients with a deeply customised treatment whether they're at their local day spa or on holiday at a wellness resort.

Syndeo will roll out across Europe and Asia following its launch in the US.

“This is a true revolution of the treatment room,” says Andrew Stanleick, president and CEO of Hydrafacial parent company BeautyHealth, adding that Europe and Asia are key growth regions for the brand.

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